
1. Prefix Sum:

  • Used in problems where we need to calculate sum of subarray
  • We create a prefix-sum array where each element is the sum of elements leading up to that element
  • Then we use the formula
  • Don’t always need a new array for prefix sum, we can sometimes use the input array itself for better space complexity. Example:
def create_prefix_sum(arr):
	for i in range(1, len(arr)):
		arr[i] += arr[i-1]
	return arr

2. Two Pointers:

  • Self-explanatory, imagine the ‘isPalindrome’ problem.
  • Leetcode Practice Problems to Practice - 167, 15, 11

3. Sliding Window:

4. Fast and Slow Pointers:

  • Variant of two pointers approach, moving 2 pointers at different speeds
  • Start by placing both slow and fast pointers at the head of a linked list.
  • Move the slow pointer one node at a time and the fast pointer two nodes at a time.
  • If there is a cycle, the two pointers will eventually meet
  • This technique can also find the middle node of a linked list in one pass. When the fast pointer reaches the end, the slow pointer will be at the middle.
  • Leetcode Practice - 141, 202, 287

5. Linked List In-Place Reversal:

  • Consider the example of reversing a linked list
  • Use 3 pointers, previous, current and next
  • Set previous to null, set current to head of the linked list
  • Use a while loop to go through the list till current is null
  • Set next to node after current
  • Then reverse pointer so that current points to previous. Then move previous to current and current to next.
  • Example Code:
def reverse_linked_list(head):
	prev = None
	current = head
	while current is not None:
		next = = prev
		prev = current
		current = next
	return prev ## head of reversed linked list

6. Monotonic Stack:

  • Uses a stack to find the next greater or next smaller element in an array
  • Use stack to track indices of elements for which we have not found next greatest element
  • Initialize the result array with -1s
  • For each element, check if its greater than the element at the top of the stack.
  • If it is, pop that element and push the index of new greater element onto the stack.
  • If it is not, then just push index of new element onto the stack
def next_greater_element(arr):
	n = len(arr)
	stack = []
	result = [-1] * n
	for i in range(n):
		while stack and arr[i] > arr[stack[-1]]:
			result[stack.pop()] = arr[i]
	return result

7. Top K Elements:

  • K largest, smallest or most frequent elements in an array
  • Avoid sorting
  • Example - To find 3 largest elements in an array.
  • We add first 3 elements to minheap. Then if nextelement is greater, pop the top element from the heap and push the new element.
  • At the end, the heap will contain 3 largest elements
  • For K-Largest use a minheap, for K-Smallest use a maxheap.
  • Leetcode Practice - 215, 327, 373

8. Overlapping Intervals:

  • Intervals or ranges that may overlap
  • Merging intervals - merge all overlapping intervals into 1
  • Interval intersection - find the intersection between two groups of intervals
  • Insert interval - insert an interval into a group of intervals
  • Problems like - Finding a minimum number of meeting rooms for meetings with overlapping times
  • Example - Merging Intervals
    • First you sort the list of intervals by start time
    • Then check if it overlaps with next interval (if start time of second is less than end time of first)
    • If it overlaps, choose start of first and end of second as interval and add to empty list of intervals.
    • If it doesn’t overlap, add it normally.
    • You will end up with a list of merged intervals.
  • Leetcode Practice - 56, 57, 435

9. Modified Binary Search Pattern:

  • Used for problems like:
    • Searching in a nearly sorted array
    • Searching in a rotated sorting array
    • Searching in a list with unknown length
    • Searching in an array with duplicates
    • Finding the first or last occurence of an element
    • Finding the square root of a number
    • Finding a peak element
  • Example - Searching in a Rotated Sorting Array
    • We use normal binary search with an additional check
    • We check which half is sorted, then check if element is in range of that sorted half, and then we search in that half
def search_rotated_array(nums, target):
	left, right = 0, len(nums)-1
	while left <= right:
		mid = (left + right) // 2
		if nums[mid] == target:
			return mid
		if nums[left] <= nums[mid]:
			## this is the additional check
			if nums[left] <= target < nums[mid]:
				right = mid - 1
				left = mid + 1
			if nums[mid] < target <= nums[right]:
				left = mid + 1
				right = mid - 1
	return -1

10. Binary Tree Traversals:

  • Preorder, Postorder, Inorder and Level Order
  • LOT is useful for level by level traversal starting from the root node, usually implemented using queue
  • Goal is to identify which traversal will be best for the given situation.
    • To retrieve the values of a binary search tree in sorted order - INORDER
    • To create a copy of a tree (serialization) - PREORDER
    • When you want to process child nodes before the parent, like in deletion - POSTORDER
    • When you need to explore all nodes at current level before moving on to the next - LOT
  • Leetcode Practice for each traversal - 230, 257, 124, 107
  • Used to explore all paths or branches
  • Problems:
    • Finding path between 2 nodes
    • Checking if graph contains a cycle
    • Finding a topological order in a Directed Acyclic Graph
  • Counting the number of connected components in a graph
  • DFS can be implemented recursively, or iteratively using a stack
  • Here is a generic approach to solve DFS related problems:
    • Choose a starting point
    • Keep track of visited nodes to avoid cycles
    • Perform required operation
    • Explore unvisited neighbours until all nodes are visited
def dfs_recursive(self, v. visited):
	print(v, end=' ')
	for neighbour in self.grah[v]:
		if neighbour not in visited:
			self.dfs_recursive(neighbour, visited)
visited = set()
dfs_recursive(1, visited)
  • Level by level graph traversal
  • Problems:
    • Finding shortest path between 2 nodes in an unweighted graph
    • Printing all nodes of a tree level by level
    • Finding all connected components in a graph
    • Finding shortest transformation sequence from one word to another
def bfs(self, start):
	visited = set()
	queue = deque([start])
	while queue:
		vertex = queue.popleft()
		print(vertex, end = ' ')
		for neighbour in self.graph[vertex]:
			if neighbour not in visited:
  • Approach Explained:
    • Add starting node to the queue
    • Set up a visited set, continue as long as the queue is not empty
    • Dequeue a node and process it
    • Enqueue unvisited neighbours
    • Add processed nodes to the visited set
    • Continue till empty
  • Leetcode Practice - 102, 994, 127

13. Matrix Traversal:

  • Can use most graph algorithms for matrix problems as well
  • Consider - Island Problem:
    • Grid of 1s and 0s. 0=water and 1=land. Group of 1s form an island
    • We check for 1s, then mark that as island. Then explore from there until we have explored everything using DFS
  • Leetcode Practice - 733, 200, 130

14. Backtracking:

  • Problems that involve exploring all potential solution paths and backtracking the paths that do not lead to a valid solution
  • Problems:
    • Generate all possible permutations or combinations of a given set of elements
    • Solve puzzles like Sudoku or N-Queens Problem
    • Find all possible paths from start to end in a graph or a maze
    • Generate all valid parentheses of a given length
  • Example - Generate all possible subsets
    • We start with an empty array.
    • When we encounter the first element, we have a choice, we either include it in our solution or not. We take both paths and use recursion to achieve this for all elements
  • Leetcode Practice - 46, 78, 51

15. Dynamic Programming:

  • Used for solving optimization problems by breaking it down into subproblems and storing solutions to those subproblems to avoid repetitive calculation
  • Problems:
    • Overlapping subproblems
    • Maximise or minimize a certain value
    • Count number of ways
  • Common DP Patterns:
    • Fibonacci Numbers
    • 0/1 Knapsack
    • Longest Common Subsequence
    • Longest Increasing Subsequence
    • Subset Sum
    • Matrix Chain Multiplication
  • Leetcode Practice - 70, 300, 322, 416, 1143, 312
  • 20 Dynamic Programming Patterns for Leetcode